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John Merrick , The Elephant Man
In 3D Stereo


I have had some interest for a long time in 3D Stereo Viewing of images and have a few reference books about it. I would like to pursue it but only so much time one has to indulge in hobbies and other activities! Perhaps some day. The above sculpture is polymer clay and I did it years ago. It is just under 7-1/2 inches tall.

To view the above in 3D Stereo is done by a method called "Free Viewing". One does not use any kind of aid or viewer. It is a subtle method of slightly crossing your eyes as you gaze at both of the images. I can do it easily but difficult for me to explain. So, I have included a link below and perhaps more experienced people can describe it
How to View Stereo Pairs They do not say it, but I would also suggest turning off your room lights or have it very dim so computer monitor is bright and not washed out by ambient light. Also, check out Roger Evan's website he has a little bit of info about Stereo Images

Everything you wanted to know about this but were afraid to ask and a plethora of more images you can look at
Stereoscopic 3D Web Ring




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